BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterrefactored tool chain setup, able to debug and run from vscode nowEric Dao22 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-05-12refactored tool chain setup, able to debug and run from vscode nowHEADmasterEric Dao
2023-04-10finished c implmentation, only works with two components (ran out of memory, ...Eric Dao
2023-04-10done svm implementation, need to check with cross validation and prediction f...Eric Dao
2023-03-28changed folder names and added git ignoreEric Dao
2023-03-27renamed everything, started doing svm, made a few helper functionsEric Dao
2023-03-26cropped images, pca covariance method works fully now, power iteration still ...Eric Dao
2023-03-25fixed pca problems for covariance methodEric Dao
2023-03-25added pca_covariance_method, will add svd later, but doesnt work rn, covarian...Eric Dao
2023-03-23working pca (covariance method), takes too long, runs out of memoryEric Dao
2023-03-23realized we're working with singular values, not eigen values for a rectangul...Eric Dao